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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 15, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm PDT

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and other cnn anchors. go to and see if you can pick the ncaa bracket better than me. that's the challenge. that's going to do it for me this hour. i'll see you throughout the weekend. don lemon takes it from here after this. [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ all aboard. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me.
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as conservatives chat about their future, a prominent republican reverses his stance on gay marriage while another is accused of patronizing a female senator. my panel faces off. a shocking revelation in the search for a movie executive. why infidelity may have played a role. plus -- >> the toilets weren't working. when i pressed it, the water would rise up, like you would at home when the toilet is clogged, the water rose to the top of the bowl. >> a pr nightmare. what carnival must do as spring break season heats up. and three lives right now in jeopardy after a man who received a kidney transplant
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dies of rabies. hello, everyone. i'm don lemon in today for brooke. thanks for joining me. just moments ago, you saw him, mitt romney gave his first big speech since losing the presidential election at the big meeting of political conservatives in maryland. guns were the focus when the nra's wayne lapierre took the stage earlier at that same meeting. >> senator dianne feinstein admitted that she had her gun ban bill ready to go a year ago. tucked away in a drawer, just waiting for the right opportunity. really? waiting for an unspeakable tragedy to push her political agenda? >> we'll start with this. we're going to start with guns and the showdown that everyone is talking about. senator dianne feinstein clashed with freshman senator ted cruz.
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feinstein says cruz patronized her with an unsolicited civics lesson on gun legislation. let's get straight to our panel now. cnn contributor and political consultant margaret hoover in washington, patricia murphy, founder of jane politics, here in atlanta, and democratic strategy jamaal simmons in washington. this has created some fireworks everywhere. patricia, i want to start with you. what is your take on the feinstein/cruz smackdown? >> i have many takes. i think cruz was out of line. senator feinstein is a 20-year veteran of the judiciary committee, wrote first bill on the assault weapons ban, she doesn't need a lecture on the constitution. in addition to being rude to her, this man has been in the senate for 60 days, he was also wrong on the facts. he's trying to say he's making his case there are -- no limits, rather, to the first amendment
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and fourth amendment, there should not be limits to the second amendment, those points are wrong and the supreme court held that there are limits to the second amendment and that's what senator feinstein was saying and senator krcruz is wrg in every point. >> you're talking about the heller decision, which says -- held the second amendment up. it says -- it says the second amendment right is not unlimited. it is not unlimited. he is getting it not only from democrats, but also from republicans, from conservatives as well. joe scarborough went after him on "morning joe." take a look. >> did they teach ted cruz to read what the supreme court said? especially in the landmark, the landmark decision regarding second amendment rights. over 200 years was written in 2008. and i'm just wondering, why would he use his seat on the
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judiciary committee, if he went to harvard, to -- to put forward a willfully ignorant statement about this bill violating the second amendment. because it does not. >> margaret, woeful ignorance. do you agree with scarborough? >> look, let's step back for a second here. let's put into context what is really going on. you have a freshman senator trying to make his name on the hill, he was elected by a tea party wave, he represents, you know, firmly the right wing of the conservative movement. and he's making ripples, i think, the country is looking for style, a tonal shift. i think this rift -- this bothers people, the tone and tenor he's taken, but the truth is, ted cruz is representing a vast number of gun owners who frankly don't want their gun
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rights taken away. i think we have seen categorically across the country there is a high degree of support for some controls being -- >> margaret, i understand what you're saying. had he said that, but that's not what he said. that's not what he said. creating ripples is one thing, but telling the truth and the facts, that's another thing. he's not -- what he's saying is inaccurate about the constitution. >> well, look, i mean, he -- it is my understanding, don, that, and, first of all, we know he has a jd from harvard. we know he has argued gun cases in front of the supreme court. my understanding is that he was party to the heller case. he is familiar with the law. i don't think he's using his senate seat uttering falsities about what the constitution says. he was making a case for the second amendment. i think what we're upset about is the tone and tenor he took with dianne feinstein, which is a fair point. >> jamaal, he's already on the winning side. this assault weapons ban will probably not get passed and people are wondering what his point is. >> yeah, his point, i think, as
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margaret was referring to, his point is to appeal to the tea party base. i sat with dianne feinstein. i heard her tell the story firsthand about being in the city hall as deficits go when the shootings that occurred that led to her taking the mayor's office. i think she does not need anybody like ted cruz telling her what to do. this issue around gun violence, i think we have to recognize it is different for people who come from rural areas versus people who come from urban areas. i saw first gun when i was in middle school, a kid who held it, you know, during a robbery. i think that people who live in cities understand that this is something that is life or death for them and they watch what happens in the senate and it just looks like a couple of, you know, old people or a couple of older people, like, who are distanced from where they live, arguing about the philosophy and not talking about what is really happening on the ground in these places. >> i understand that. and, listen, you both are correct in that. but we're talking about the facts and what the law says about that ruling and about our second amendment. and i think that is what dianne
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feinstein is saying and i think that is what people like chuck scarborough is saying. facts are fact, you shouldn't try it mislead people with wrong facts. let's move on. i want to switch gears now and talk about a cnn exclusive. senator rob portman, he's changing his stance on same sex marriage and his son reveals he's gay. is it okay for politicians to change their minds or is this just flip-flopping? i'll start with you, jamaal? >> absolutely i think it is okay for them to change their minds. a lot of us have wrestled with this issue in politics for years. i can remember being involved in races, in 2004, 2004 where civil marriage, civil union was considered to be a pretty forward position for us, for a politician to take, who is running for president. now gay marriage has become so widespread in terms of it being accepted that a lot of politicians including the president have been scrambling to try to catch up to the issue and where the public is on this. i think we'll see a lot of
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politicians have some road to damascus conversion. >> his son is happy with him. he tweeted his reaction, i'm especially proud of my dad today. he obviously feels as jamaal feels, hey, his dad evolved on this issue. >> his dad evolved on the issue. i think what is so interesting about what rob portman did today is he also wrote an op-ed for a local ohio paper and didn't just say this is a personal conversion and private decision. what he also said was that i made this decision because i'm a conservative, not in spite of the fact i'm conservative. this is entirely consistent to be conservative and say that the government has no role in telling people who can and cannot be married. he said it is more conservative to stay out of the bedroom for the republican party. and he also said that he sees this as a tribute to traditional marriage and not a threat to traditional marriage. i think what he did was so important in that we have seen a number of politicians change their minds on gay marriage if they have a relative or friend or a colleague who they know and
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is gay and they see them have long-standing committed relationships, but what rob portman has done that is so different, he's also taken several policy positions that make it very conservative for republicans to follow him -- to follow behind him and that's what is most interesting about what he did today. >> margaret hoover, you're an official with a new super pac that funds republican candidates who also support same sex marriage. i'm very interested in what you have to say about this. but, listen, he said his son came to him in 2011, i believe, i'm not exactly sure when he evolved on this, but his son came to him in 2011. he didn't mention him when he was running for president in 2011, 2012. didn't hear any of this. so why not do you believe and how do you feel about this? >> well, look, i think senator portman is a leader here. i think he represents actually something that we haven't seen percolate up to the highest levels of politics yet, but is happening all across the country and the republican party and in the conservative movement. do you know, over 200 representatives -- republican legislatures across the country
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in different states voted for the freedom to marry and not lost their seat. they have not been primaried by other republican candidates for their vote in favor of marriage. we saw last week, 135 high profile republicans sign on to amicus briefs to the united states supreme court arguing that there is a conservative argument, a constitutional case, for freedom to marry. so there is a movement, there is a lot going on in the country and in the conservative movement and in the republican party about people like rob portman who are having conversations like this, with his son, and people across the country saying, hold on a sec, gay americans should have the same opportunities and rights that straight americans have and not letting them is creating a second class of citizens that don't have full access to the freedoms guaranteed in the constitution. so i commend rob portman for having an honest conversation. what he said to himself, what he said to dana is, look, i haven't had the chance to think deeply about this until my son approached me about it. i focus on economic issues before. and now is the right time to do
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it. >> i hope your republican colleagues will listen to that. >> just two sitting members of congress signed on to that for republicans. >> we have to run. thank you. we appreciate it. don't forget to tune into jake tapper's new show called "the lead" starting on monday on cnn. now some of the biggest stories in a flash, rapid fire. so roll it. first up, north korea's threat of a preemptive nuclear strike on the united states has promoted or prompted the pentagon to increase our domestic missile defense system on the west coast. the pentagon is deploying 14 additional ground-based missile interceptors in alaska and california but could take two years for all the systems to come online. angered by u.s. led sanctions, north korea threatened to turn washington into a sea of fire. a dog mauls a 4-year-old girl after crossing a new york city street to get her. surveillance camera captures how the animal refuses to let the
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child go and the girl's grandmother tries to stop it. several strangers had to pull the dog away. >> and everybody came to try to, you know, to protect the girl, but the dog was -- >> the child was hospitalized for treatment. police ticketed the dog's owner for not having the dog on a leash. no word on what is going to happen to the dog or if its owner will face criminal charges. ♪ samsung putting on a broadway extravaganza for the launch of its galaxy s4. this phone does things the iphone just can't, like the air gesture. you can scroll by waving your
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hand and then there is the smart pause where the phone stops a video when you're no longer looking at it. and starts it again when you look back. some tech analysts are also saying the galaxy is not an iphone killer. wall street flirting with an 11-day winning streak. the dow flat today after ten straight days in the green. we're going to keep an eye on the big board in these last couple of hours of trading for you. we have some disturbing news today to tell you about that could affect tens of thousands of people who are eagerly awaiting organ transplant. a maryland man who received a kidney more than a year ago has died of rabies. not only that, three other people also received organs from the same donor and now must undergo rabies treatment. we're going to get to our senior medical correspondent now, elizabeth cohen. elizabeth, obvious questions, what happened? >> let's go over again what exactly happened here. so this man dies in florida. and his kidneys and his liver and his heart are sent to patients in florida, which is
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where he lived, also georgia, illinois and also to one other state. and -- maryland, obviously. that's where the guy died so what happened is this one person came down just recently, just last month, with rabies and then the other ones, well they don't know, they might possibly have rabies too. so while they test them, they're giving them some drugs to make sure that they don't die of rabies. >> how did this happen? don't they test donors before they send them out for things like rabies? >> they do test organs before. they test them for hiv, they test them for west nile, for hepatitis. however, they do not routinely test for rabies. and there is two reasons. rabies is incredibly rare. there may be one, two, three cases a year. you're testing for something most likely not going to be there. the other thing, there aren't a lot of labs that know how to test for rabies in humans. you got labs in georgia, california, new york and we're told by the cdc, that's pretty much it. so if you live in another part of the country, they have to ship part of that organ in for testing or blood or whatever, and then by then the organ is
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not useful. by then, too much time has passed. so there is no efficient way of doing this. >> so are you just taking your chances here? >> to some extent you're taking your chances, but there is a great empowered patient message here. if you or a loved one are about to get an organ from a cadaver, you should say, what killed this person, why did this person die? i was talking to a transplant surgeon who said too often the patients are told, you got to live, let's go. what kills this person. and if they say encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, you might want to say, hold on, i'm not so sure i want that organ. >> rabies -- >> could be rabies or something else that they're not able to test for. if someone has inflammation of the brain and they don't know why, what killed them could also kill you if you get their organ. you want to ask, what was the cause of death. >> that's the best piece of advice if your loved one is waiting for anning orren. >> whif one comes around, ask wt
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killed this donor. >> thank you, elizabeth cohen. coming up, bombshell testimony in steubenville, ohio, where two star football players are accused of rape. up next, what one key witness says about what he saw happened in the car. any minute now, president obama speaking for the first time this week since holding closed door meetings with members of congress. we'll hear what he has to say. zap technology. arrival. with hertz gold plus rewards, you skip the counters, the lines, and the paperwork. zap.
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tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay cost at ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today $40,000 will be given to two women who were accidentally shot by a los angeles police during a manhunt for a killer ex-cop, christopher dorner. the money is for the loss of the blue pickup truck that police shot up in early february. the truck looks similar to the one that dorner was thought to be driving. still to be considered are damages for personal injuries and suffering. steubenville, ohio, now, where a bombshell is dropped by two key witnesses in the rape trial involving two star high
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school football players. poppy harlow was just inside the court and she joins us now. poppy, what did this latest witness say? >> reporter: hi there, don. this is the three of the steubenville, ohio, rape trial that captured the nation's attention. we're talking about the allegations by a 16-year-old girl who prosecutors say was raped and degraded multiple times over the course of an evening between multiple rties. i want to make something clear. in ohio, digital penetration is included in the definition of rape. it doesn't mean just having sex. it means penetrating someone with your fingers or with an object. also, what we heard today was from two eyewitnesses of this alleged rape. it is the first time we have heard from any eyewitnesses in this trial. both of them tried to plead the fifth, they're both teenage boys, but the judge granted them immunity to compel their testimony today. the first witness, who was a friend of the two accused boys,
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richmond and mays, talked about that evening. he talked about a car ride between parties, and he said that in the car ride, sitting next to the alleged victim and mays in the back seat, he being mays, quote, inserted his fingers into her vagina. this witness says he knows this because he videotaped it, four minutes, on his iphone. he then says he deleted that video the next morning, when he realized it was wrong to take it. he then talked about the group going into the basement of a house, and he said that mays in that basement, after the car ride, quote, tried to receive oral sex from her, the alleged victim. she didn't really respond to it. i want to move on now to the second eyewitness that we just heard from this afternoon. that eyewitness, also a teenager, also a friend of the two accused boys, talked about what happened to the girl in that basement.
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and he talked about richmond, the co-defendant in this case. he said that the girl was lying naked on the floor, that richmond was standing behind her and that he was, quote, using his fingers to penetrate her. this is first time we have heard from eyewitnesses. the defense obviously trying to say that the boys are reconstructing their memory from all the social media out there and trying to right the wrong that has allegedly been done here, don. >> can you tell us about the text messages that were read to the court? >> reporter: yeah, i can. so this happened yesterday. another key witness for the prosecution here, joanne gibbs, a computer forensic analyst for the state, for the ohio bureau of criminal investigations, she read off hundreds of text messages that were -- came from 17 phones that were analyzed in this investigation from different teenagers. and two of the key ones that i want to read you, one, she says,
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came from mays in response to a friend asking, the day after this alleged incident, what he did with the girl. and if he did anything with the girl. that text read, quote, yeah, dude, she was like a dead body. i just needed some sexual attention. she also read off a text coming from the alleged victim to a friend of hers on august 13th, two days after the alleged incident. it read, in part, quote, i think i was drugged, i have no memory after that. the key to this case is consent. it is also how intoxicated this girl was. was she in a state of mind where she could make decisions or not. we know that she wanted to go with mays and richmond to that next party. that has been testified over and over again. but what state was she in when this allegedly happened? we're yet to hear from her. we expect she may take the stand. we're yet to hear from the co-defendant. >> poppy harlow, thank you very much. a hollywood movie exec disappears without a trace.
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now new evidence surfaces in this case. find out why infidelity may have played a role. we're on the case next. matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke...
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to the case now of the missing hollywood movie executive. it is now ruled a homicide. gavin smith, who worked at 20th century fox, disappeared last may. his black mercedes sedan was located last month at a storage facility in simi valley. police now say they have concluded that smith is dead. >> now we're at a point in the investigation, based upon the condition of the vehicle, and based upon information that we have gathered from witnesses who are cooperating, we believe that this case is a homicide case. as of now, with the evidence that we have and that we have
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been able to view and receive, we believe that gavin smith was murdered. >> police haven't made any arrests or named any suspects, but almost immediately a connection was made to a convicted drug dealer named john creech. his home was frisked last june. they say smith and creech's wife met in rehab last june and may have had a relationship. so police have already said that creech is a person of interest. the storage facility where the mercedes was found was linked to him and he had a relationship with creech's wife. the math seems to add up. >> the police are doing a thorough investigation and in that investigation, don, they executed over two dozen search warrants. they have spoken to numerous people and it is because of the people they have spoken to and the information they were able to provide them that they actually concluded it was a homicide. now the point is to put it all together because what don't you
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have yet, right? he's missing. no body, okay? and if there is no body, if there is a prosecution, if they have to get someone, you know, that they want to bring into justice you make sure you prosecute effectively. >> that always amazes me when there is no body, they say they can do homicide, they can do murder. how is that? >> interestingly enough, and there is a good example of that, because, of course, you remember drew peterson, right? chicago, the murder of his wife, and he was brought to justice, right? because a number of people came together. remember, there is things called direct evidence, but there is also circumstantial evidence. people talk, information comes together, information is gathered, forensics is gathered and it becomes compelling. dna, linking people to the crime, fingerprints, linking people to the crime, blood linking people to the crime. so we'll see what the police have here. >> is it believed he acted alone or there are other people involved? >> at this point, the police are hush-hush. that's -- you know in any investigation, not surprising that the police don't want to reveal too much to the public. so i think in due time we'll
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know, because they'll let us know when they go after whoever they decide to prosecute, right now it looks like potentially the husband of the, you know, the person he was walking around with, the drug dealer, all right, so at that point, they'll allow us to know exactly who was involved, how many people were involved, and they'll bring those people to justice. >> careful who you get involved with. >> oh, yes, indeed. >> joey jackson, appreciate it. >> pleasure, don. >> thank you. >> we have this just in to cnn. the death penalty. one step closer to being banned in maryland, the state's general assembly voting for the bill, which now heads to the governor's desk. maryland will become the 18th state to outlaw capital punishment. it has been eight years since the state executed an inmate. we'll follow up on that. from the triumph to the dream. one pr fiasco after another for carnival. can the cruise line, can they repair their image? my next guest is going to lay out the wrongs that carnival needs to right just ahead.
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more trouble today for carnival cruise lines. the company can't seem to catch a break lately. no fewer than four have experienced problems during the last month. carnival began having problems. carnival elation had to be towed last weekend because of a malfunction in its steering. and carnival dream has been stuck in st. martin after losing power earlier in the week. all passengers are being flown back to the u.s. on carnival's dime. not the vacation they had
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envisioned when they set sail. the stock price took a big hit when the triumph was crippled for four days in the gulf of mexico after a fire in the engine room knocked out power. latest problem has not helped either. tom donahue of porter novelli, the global public relations agency, helps companies like carnival when they get some bad press. thank you for joining us. how bad is it? >> well, don, i think it is bad, but doesn't necessarily have to be permanent. they have to generate some more goodwill. they had problems of the mechanical time. now they need to generate some goodwill. >> goodwill. what do they do to recover? goodwill will help their stock prices and get people back on their ships and interested in going on a cruise? >> it does happen in airlines, in cruise ships, where these are large, complicated vessels and aircraft, and when something
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goes wrong, the preeminent obligation is to communicate with the passengers. >> you believe the problem really is -- these are mechanical problems and they probably happen all the time. but all eyes are on carnival because of what happened with triumph. do you think that these are problems that happen all the time and they need to communicate better, that's it? >> i think that's part of it. i think operationally i have to assume that they're doing the right thing. i know they're reviewing their fleet right now to see if they have the right backup systems, the right redundancies, and the right protocol. but in terms of communications, what we heard consistently through all of these events are passengers complaining about the infrequency of communication. so as long as they address that problem and they're making the right operational decisions, they should come out of this okay. >> thank you, sir. cut it short now because of this. the president of the united states. the president of the united states speaking now in illinois, outside of chicago, at the argon national laboratory, talking energy, clean energy. let's listen. >> -- turn them into a business.
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so think about this. just a few years ago, the american auto industry was flat lining. today, thanks in part to discoveries made right here at argon, some of the most high tech fuel efficient, pretty spiffy cars in the world are once again designed, engineered and built here in the united states. and that's why we have to keep investing in scientific research. so i need to -- we have to maintain our edge. because the work you're doing today will end up in the products that we make and sell tomorrow. you're helping to secure our energy future. and if we do it well, then that's going to help us avoid some of the perils of climate change, will leave a healthier planet for our kids, but to do it we got to make sure we're making the right choices in washington.
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just the other day, dr. isaacs and directors of two of our national laboratories wrote about the effects of the so-called sequester. these across the board budget cuts put in place two weeks ago. and specifically the effect it will have on america's scientific research. and one of the reasons i was opposed to these cuts is because they don't distinguish between wasteful programs and vital investments. they don't trim the fat, they cut into muscle and into bone. like research and development being done right here, that not only gives a great place for young researchers to come and apply their trades, but also ends up creating all kinds of spin-offs that create good jobs and good wages. so dr. isaac said these cuts will force them to stop any new project that is coming down the line. i'm quoting him now, he says this sudden halt on new starts will freeze american science in place while the rest of the
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world races forward and it will knock a generation of young scientists off their stride, ultimately costing billions of -- billions of dollars in missed future opportunities. essentially, because the sequester, we're looking at two years where we don't start new research. and at a time when, you know, every month you're -- you got it replace your smartphone because something new has come up, imagine what that means when china and germany and japan are all continuing to plump up their basic research and we're just sitting there doing nothing. we can't afford to miss these opportunities while the rest of the world races forward. we have to seize these opportunities. i want next great job creating breakthroughs, whether it is in energy, or nano technology or, you know, bioengineering, i want those breakthroughs to be right
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here in the united states of america, creating american jobs and maintaining our technological lead. so -- i want to be clear, these cuts will harm, not help our economy. that's why i'm reaching out to republicans and democrats to come together around a balanced approach, a smart, phased in approach to deficit reduction, that includes smart spending cuts and entitlement reforms and new revenue and that won't hurt our middle class or slow economic growth. and if we do that, then we can move beyond governing from crisis to crisis to crisis and we keep our focus on policies that actually create jobs and grow our economy and move forward to face all the other challenges we face from fixing
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our broken immigration system, to educating our kids, to keeping them safe from gun violence. and few pieces of business are more important for us than getting our energy future right. so here at argon, and other labs around the country, scientists are working on getting us where we need to get ten years from now, 20 years from now. today, what most americans feel first when it comes to energy prices or energy issues are prices that they pay at the pump. and over the past few weeks, we saw, we went through another spike in gas prices, people are nodding here, they weren't happy about it, the problem is this happens every year. happened last year, the year before that. and it is a serious blow to family budgets that feels like you're getting hit with a new tax coming right out of your pocket, and every time it happens, politicians, they dust
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off their three-point plans for $2 gas, but nothing happened and then we go through the same cycle again. but here's the thing, over the past four years we haven't just talked about it. we actually started to do something about it. we have worked with auto companies to put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in our history. what that means is by the middle of the next decade, our cars will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. and the standards that we set are part of what's driving some of the amazing scientists and engineers who are working here at argon labs. we have set some achievable but ambitious goals. so in the middle next decade, we'll expect you'll fill up half as often, which means you spend half as much. and over the life of a new car, an average family will save over $800 at the pump. that's worth applauding. that's big news.
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in fact, the new report issued today shows that america is becoming a global leader in advanced vehicles. you walk into any dealership today, and you'll see twice as many hybrids to choose from as there were five years ago. you'll see seven times as many cars that can go 40 miles a gallon or more. and as costs go down, sales are going up. last year general motors sold more hybrid vehicle than ever before, ford is selling some of the most fuel efficient cars so quickly that dealers are having a tough time keeping up with the demand. so by investing in our energy security, we're helping our businesses succeed and creating good middle class jobs here in america. >> president obama at argon national laboratory, talking about energy. he's talking about giving more details on energy trust that he spoke about in the state of the
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union, $2 billion a year for programs that support public and private research for cost effective technologies. you heard him talk about saving money at the pump, that's what argon laboratories does research that does that. saving you $81 or $8,000 over the course of a year in energy and in gas and that's what that does. president speaking. if he makes any news out of that, we'll bring it to you here on cnn. calling all sports fans in the meantime. and market watchers as well. talk about on a roll. two impressive winning streaks to tell you about. one of which could impact your wallet, and that is next. suddenly, she does something unexpected and you see the woman you fell in love with. she's everything to you. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about
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wall street's hot streak might end this afternoon after ten consecutive days of gains. alison kosik live at the new york stock exchange. alison, it was fun while it lasted. >> it was. that hot streak you're talking about has cooled off. there is about an hour to go before the closing bell. it could still turn around. i say prepare to say good-bye to the dow's winning streak. but it is a nice run. the dow set a new record ten days in a row. and even as we see all that red smattering on the screen there, we continue watching for the s&p 500 to hit its all time record high of 1565. if the s&p hits its record,
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that's a bigger deal than the dow hitting all those records. the s&p 500 is just that, it is 500 stocks. so it is more representative of the health of the stock market than the dow which is only 30 stocks. also, mutual funds, you'll be able to notice it is moving higher, even though it is a little lower. looked at your portfolio lately? the s&p 500 is up more than 9% for the year. that should feel pretty good. >> yea. i'm happy. a lot of people are as well watching this. thank you, alison kosik, appreciate it. speaking of winning streaks, also streaking, lebron's team going for 21 in a row tonight. the miami heat looking to keep the winning streak going against the milwaukee bucks. a discovery in london to tell you about. scientists unearth skeletons that may be from a massive pandemic that killed millions of
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people. i know what you're thinking...
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-- remains of 14 skeletons found bure glid londied in lond. eve schwarz is tracking the story. >> reporter: behind me, we have a hospital. on the other side of the square, we have a primary school, residential houses there, and also a few shops. if you look over my right shoulder, you'll see a construction site. this is no ordinary construction site. here, they have unearthed very interesting and peculiar finding. two and a half meters below ground level, 14 well preserved skeletons were uncovered here. they believe they were victims of the black plague. they have been moved for testing, but the ground is still
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marked for the carefully laid out graves. jay is one of the archaeologists that found this. how do you know the skeletons were caused by the black death? >> we have historical documents from the 16th century which discuss the laying out of this burial ground. so we're fairly certain within this area there is a burial ground from the mid14th century. and that it was a black death emergency burial ground. >> in the 1300s, the black death killed between 20 and 30 million people in europe. no human to human transmission, however, has been recorded in the past 60 years. how scary is it for people here? do they think is it contagious? >> they don't. we have professional archaeological team working here and many of them have experience with other areas as well. the particular black death plague doesn't survive in the soil. it was spread between human beings only.
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there is no risk. >> this is a tiny square. this is quite a large square. how much further are you going to go to check out -- to find other bodys? do you think there will be other skeletons here? >> we won't be doing any more specific research in association with the project because our -- is to deal with anything that will be affected with the construction. >> what is your gut feeling, there are more? >> i would be surprised if there weren't. >> how many more skeletons will be found, now that remains to be seen. eva schwarz, cnn, london. a major announcement from the pentagon. apparently north korea's threats are bothering a lot of folks. the military is beefing up defense on the west coast. jake tapper joins me next. on thanksgiving day,
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it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. the appearance of the spanish speaking pope from across the atlantic electrified the crowd in italy and lit up u.s. shores too. >> full of joy and happy, very happy. >> as we say in latin america, viva papa. >> over the past few decades, american catholic churches like
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this one in d.c. have undergone a profound transformation. the number of hispanic members has been soaring, pushed by immigration and birth, that they now account for one out of every three catholics here. it is a number that is likely to continue to rise because latino catholics tend to be younger than catholics as a whole, fully one half of all catholics under the age of 40 today are hispanic. >> while many white catholics have been slipping away from the church amid sexual abuse scandals, debates over abortion rights and the role of women, hispanic arrivals have more than made up for the losses. so much so that catholics still compromise about a quarter of the country, just as they have for decades. mind you that shift in demographics has dramatically changed the religious map. once a largely northeastern and midwestern faith, catholicism is now growing fastest in the south and the west. the new pope has a ready audience, coast to coast, in this country. >> so the fact that he can speak
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our language is very significant. i think he can get the message to us more effectively. >> reporter: and what they share may be more than spanish. it is the language of change. tom foreman, cnn, washington. as conservatives chat about their future, a prominent republican reverses his stance on gay marriage while another is accused of patronizing a female senator. michael moore predicts crime scene pictures from the newtown massacre will one day be released. why he says this would change america. plus -- >> finally going to get it done. >> yes. >> love you. >> he was taken away from the foster parents who raised him because of spanking. today, all that changes. and a new study suggests when it comes to balancing life, men can't have it all either. my panel faces off.
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hello, everyone. welcome. i'm don lemon in for brooke. we begin with north korea's threat of a preemptive nuclear strike on the united states. the threat has prompted the pentagon to increase our domestic missile defense systems on the west coast. pentagon says it is deploying 14 additional ground base missiles, interceptors in alaska and california. the announcement is expected at any moment. we want to bring in now our chief washington correspondent jake tapper. so, jake, good afternoon to you. talk us through what we already have in place to intercept an air assault like the one north korea is threatening. and why the u.s. is doing this now. >> well, it is very simple why we're doing it now. we're doing it now according to a senior administration official, quote, this is about enhancing our missile defense capabilities in view of growing threats from north korea.
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as their technologies have grown in sophistication, so too must the scale of our defenses. so, in other words, don, as the u.s. has seen, north korea's technology advance, the defense department has become alarmed that what we have in place right now will not be enough and that's the reason for this move. it should take about two years and cost about $200 million. >> two years, $200 million. that's all that is expected at this announcement, jake, is this. >> that's right. in addition, we should point out there are some congressional critics who say that in 2011 the obama administration argued that we didn't need to take these steps that are being announced today. and there was pushback in congress, individuals saying, no, actually, we do need to do it and because they thought north korea would take the steps and be in the place where they are today. >> all right, jake tapper, thank you very much. exactly what jake will be covering on his new show and we'll remind everyone, jake has
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a new show on cnn, called "the lead" with jake tapper, debuts on monday the 18th, 4:00 p.m. eastern, here on cnn. so we know north korea does have missiles. how many? and what kind? still unclear. we also know they're stepping up their nuclear capabilities, conducting testing in underground sites. chad myers is here now. talk us through the actual threat here, can they reach us? >> i think unclear is the best word you used. we think now that about 7,000 kilometers to 10,000 kilometers would be the longest icy they could launch. let's give you an idea of the rings. looks like an earthquake ring, but it is not. one more time, zoom back out, how far could this possibly go. 7,000 kilometers could get to about alaska. 10,000 kilometers could get to the united states. the uncertainty is, they never had a successful launch of this.
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so we don't technically know how far they can go. we don't know how big the warhead or the payload could be on any of these missiles as well. so a lot of unknowns, but that's what you expect from behind the curtain. >> being told, stand by. we'll get to chuck hagel now. -- 14 additional ground base interceptors, gbis, from alaska. that will increase the number of deployed ground-based interceptors from 30 to 44 including the four gbis at vandenberg air force base in california. these additional gbis will provide a nearly 50% increase in our missile defense capability. second, with the support of the japanese government, we're planning to deploy an additional radar in japan. the second dpy-2 radar will provide improved early warning and tracking of any missile launch from north korea at the united states or japan.
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third, as directed by congress, we're conducting environmental impact studies for a potential additional gbi site in the united states. while the administration has not made any decision on whether to proceed with an additional site, conducting environmental impact studies will shorten the timeline for construction should that decision be made. and, fourth, we are restructuring the sm-3 db program. we planned to deploy it as part of the european phase adapted approach. the purpose was to add to the protection of the u.s. homeland already provided by our parent gbis against missile threats in the middle east. the timeline for deploying this program had been delayed to at least 2022 due to cuts in congressional funding. meanwhile, the threat matured. by shifting resources from this lagging program, to fund the
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additional gbis and advanced kill vehicle technology that will improve the performance of the gbi and other versions -- >> chuck hagel announcing what we said at the top of the show, the pentagon saying they're deploying 14 additional ground-based missile interceptors in california. and also alaska. also saying they're going to deploy radar in japan to intercept any missile that may be coming from north korea. we'll keep you updated on that. stay tuned for from this broadcast and "the situation room" with wolf blitzer after this broadcast as well. mitt romney gave his first big speech since losing the presidential election. he talked to conservatives trying to reboot their brand at the cpac meeting in maryland. >> now, as someone who just lost the last election, i'm probably not in the best position to chart the course for the next one. but that being said, let me offer this advice. and perhaps because i'm a former governor, i would urge us all to learn lessons that come from some of our greatest success
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stories and that's 30 republican governors across the country. if they're winning elections, but more importantly, they're solving problems, big problems, important problems. >> complimenting a few governors who are not attending the cpac like new jersey governor chris christie. cnn's political analyst gloria borger joins me now live from washington. hi, gloria, how are you doing? >> good, how are you? that was mitt romney saying, you know what, you should have invited chris christie, you should have invited governor mcdonell of virginia, both of whom, by the way, are very popular in their home states. these are people who are getting the job done at the state level. so i think that was a little bit of mitt romney in your face. >> sounds like he was back on the campaign trail. what do you think he was
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accomplishing here by bringing up chris christie, by bringing christie into this conversation? >> i think mitt romney, more than anybody, looked at all the exit polls and all the data and saw the republican party's demographic. and saw that it is shrinking rather than growing. i remember when ronald reagan wanted the big tent. right now the republican party is more like a tepee. i think he knows it's got to grow. and the governors are -- look at chris christie. popular in a blue state. a republican governor, popular in a blue state. mitt romney was at that point a moderate republican governor, also in a blue state of massachusetts. so i think this is where he comes from. and i think it was as pointed as he could get before this audience, without insulting people, saying, you know what, these are governors you should have perhaps included on your roster because they are the future of the party too. >> you said moderate. but i remember last year, i think the quote was, he said he was severely --
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>> severely conservative. i would argue, you know, this is a different mitt romney that showed up there today, right? because last -- you're right, he was severely conservative. now he's just a former presidential candidate. >> i've been wanting to -- dying to talk to you about this, since we got news of it last night. i want want to switto switch ge about senator rob portman. i met him in ohio during the election, nice guy. he reversed his stance after it was revealed to him, his son, he was gay. his son told him. how are republicans reacting to this announcement? >> i think -- i think it's more like they reacted to dick cheney's announcement that he wanted same sex marriage to be up to the states. they're sort of saying, okay, this man has a personal point of view because of his son, i think they're respectful of it. as you point out, we're heading into this supreme court argument on the defense of marriage act, and on proposition 8.
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and this is a huge issue in which the american public has shifted dramatically over the last few years since i've been covering -- >> last few months. >> right. the president, i think, tilted the balance to the pro same sex marriage point of view, but the american public has gone to about a majority, little over 50% of the american public now supporting same sex marriage. now we're going to see what the puerto ri supreme court does and whether it is affected by public opinion or whether they decide that this should be left up to the states. >> gloria borger, always good to see you. thank you very much. >> sure. thank you. >> gloria is hosting a special on politics and same sex marriage on saturday, march 29th, 7:30 p.m. eastern. we'll tell you about that as it gets closer here on cnn. so the hottest stories in a flash, rapid fire. so roll it. all right. on the way, on the way to an 11-day winning streak. it has been pretty much flat
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today with less than an hour to go before the closing bell. the dow has spent the last ten days in the green. we're going to keep watching the big board for you as the day winds down on wall street. second day on the job, and the new pope, pope francis, still finding his seat. he lost his footing while stepping off his throne to greet another cardinal. he's starting his job on rocky ground. vatican spokesman dismissed the accusation. >> reveal left wing elements, anti-clerical elements used to attack the church. they must be firmly and clearly denied. >> the vatican called the accusations defamatory and untrue. a dog mauls a 4-year-old girl after crossing a street to get her. the animal refuses to let the child go as the girl's grandmother tries to stop it.
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several bystanders had to pull the dog away. >> and everybody came to try to, you know, to protect the girl, but the dog was pulling her hand on the left. >> police ticketed the dog's owner for not having the dog on a leash. no word on what is going to happen to the dog or if the owner will face criminal charges. up next, an incredible story, a boy taken from his foster family at the age of 13. never forget the patience of the parents that loved him. 20 years later, you won't believe what happened. that's next. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. protect your family... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side.
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now to a story about undying love. it is not between husband and wife, but a son and a woman who is a mother to him in every way except the paperwork. that's why at 32 years old, that's right, 32, he's getting adopted. paul vercammen has the story.
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>> reporter: a son's true love is wonderfully stubborn. >> i love you. finally going to i think made u
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a great profile. >> reporter: maurice moved in with the new family when he was 9, bonded to the younger boys, gideon and spencer. >> best friends. >> we would run around and did mischievous things and fun things and it was a good time. >> reporter: they say at 13, he was forced to leave before he could be adopted after a dispute over spanking. >> the foster care system is still this way, can't use corporal punishment, can't spank foster children. and maurice very much wanted that. and we wanted him to feel like the rest of our kids. and there was a difference of opinion with some supervisors. >> reporter: lisa says officials threatened to take her biological son.
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he was removed and they lost touch. >> just a ten-year emptiness. i couldn't talk with anybody about it. nobody was there. i couldn't call somebody. and say, remember this, or that? it was just a void. >> reporter: but they never stopped trying to find each other. lisa's husband died in 1998. she remarried, changed her last name, complicating the search. but she found and messaged maurice on myspace six years ago. maurice responded. >> she said, hey, baby. and i said, i got to call you back! >> well, what a great story. paul vercammen joins us live outside the courthouse where maurice griffin is having his adoption hearing today at the age of 32. is it official yet? >> reporter: it is not official yet because they go into the courthouse and just a little while here, don, 2:00, west coast time. and they're going to sit in front of a judge, across a table, and this is a happy day in san diego county. because every other friday is adoption friday. they're expected to be about,
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oh, 20 other children in there, and then, of course, this big guy, maurice, and his mother. it will be joyous and they both promise me they're going to tear up. >> bigger than his mom now. and he's going to do it just like the rest of his kids. he wants the full treatment. >> he does. and if you look inside the courtroom, there are little dolls and art work, it looks like a regular courtroom, but a decorative nicely for all the children. we'll see maurice and that very happy moment, like we talked about, don. >> what a nice story. paul vercammen, thank you for bringing that to us. we appreciate that. coming up, more problems from the troubled carnival cruise line. the company has hit choppy waters with a series of pr disasters. ali velshi tells us how carnival can stay afloat next. got this ci thankyou card and started earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here.
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from the cnn money newsroom in new york, i'm ali velshi. another floating pr disaster for carnival cruise line. this ship, the carnival dream, suffered generator problems, toilets stopped working again. if you recall last month, an engine room fire left another ship, the carnival triumph, crippled and adrift in the gulf of mexico with 4200 people aboard. now, the scheduled four-day cruise stretched into eight days as tugs pulled the vessel into port in alabama. you remember that. food was scarce. passengers sweltered in the heat with no air conditioning. the carnival dream made it to point in st. martin, not a bad place to be stuck. but the cruise is done. passengers are being flown back to florida, getting a refound for three days worth of the cruise and a coupon for half off a future cruise. carnival chief operating officer howard frank praised carnival's response to this week's fire on
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the triumph. listen. >> there are many lessons to be learned from the incident, it is important to understand that our fire suppression systems did work and our crew did a superb job. ship systems and crew were able to quickly respond to the fire and extinguish it. there were no injuries to either passengers or crew. >> all the bad publicity is hitting carnival where it hurts. that is in its share price. possibly balance sheet as well. look at carnival stock price over the past three months. definitely took a dip after the carnival triumph problem when the carnival triumph was stranded in the gulf of mexico and the passengers were stuck on it. shares of carnival have actually since the beginning of the year missed the market rally. the s&p 500 is up 9%, guess what, carnival stock is down 5%. the company's chairman mickey aronsohn, he built this cruise ship company, a congrom rlomera over the past couple of decades.
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he happens to be the managing general partner of the miami heat basketball team, which is currently on a 20-game winning streak. here he is, photographed court side at a heat game, while about 4200 of his passengers were sloshing around in their own waste aboard the carnival triumph last month. you be the judge about whether or not that was a good place for him to be. but now, this man, aronsohn, has admitted, sort of, bookings dipped as a result of the debacle. despite considerable attention surrounding the corn val triumph, we have been encouraged to see booking volumes for carnival recover significantly in recent weeks. recover? from what? by how much? he doesn't say. but bookings prior to the incident had been high for 2013. since then, bookings appear to have fallen, causing carnival to lower its prices for cruises and all of that could hit the company's bottom line this and is why that is happening to the stock.
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are people going to stop cruising? no, they're not. cruises are a great deal. the latest incidents may make them think twice about which company they cruise with, but, remember, the same company owns a lot of cruise lines. one more thing, let's look at the market now. the dow is up 37 to 14,484. ten days of record-setting closes. that doesn't appear to be the case today. the ten days was the longest stretch in more than 15 years. that's it for me. for more, tune in this weekend to "your money." that's it for me from the cnn money newsroom in new york. i'm out. ♪
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i'm don lemon. come on in here. technology, sports, business, health. science. and showbiz news. we're hitting it all, right now. >> i'll tell you the truth about myself. i am the son of some very wealthy people. sadly, they're all dead now. >> it seems like an unlikely pairing, mixing the great ga gatsby's jazz with modern hip-hop. but jay-day can call himself executive producer of the soundtrack. he was called on by director oz luhrman to produce music for the film after leonardo dicaprio introduced the two men.
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>> he's very angry. "jurassic park" fans, you can smile now. it is official. the wheels are in motion for "jurassic park 4." universal pictures just announced that hollywood up and comer colin tavaro will direct the new sequel of the cult classic. don't get too excited just yet. the release date is not until next year's june 13th as a matter of fact. netflix has competition on its hands now. red box instant is up and is running. the latest company to jump on the board of the video streaming market. for $8 a month, customers can
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stream movies without a limit, though red box is starting with a smaller video library than ne netflix. red box instant lets customers rent or buy newly released video on demand. so get ready for that. check out this buzzer beater by illinois' brandon paul. look at that. it was a tied game with minnesota, with 15 seconds left on the clock. paul dribbles the ball as the seconds tick down and then lets it fly left of the foul line, finding the net right at the buzzer. facebook now, well, it may come first, may have come first, but it is not too proud to copy from twitter. according to media reports, facebook may be jumping on the hash tag bandwagon. or i call it pound. one of twitter's most iconic markers. just like on twitter, the hashtag, words or phrases would become a way to engage in the group's conversation. so facebook isn't officially
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commenting on this. neither is twitter. up next on cnn, our hot topics panel faces off. first, michael moore, he wants photographs of young newtown victims released. we have been asking if women can have it all. a new study has men saying balancing work and family is stressful for us too. more americans than ever are saying they have no religious affiliation at all. my panelists standing by. they're revealed next. this engine's got some juice. how far do you want to take it? up to you. chevy cruze's six-speed transmission allows for lower shift points, offering an e.p.a.-estimated 36 mpg highway. okay, then. [ laughs ] what a test-drive. yeah. it's really more of a road trip at this point.
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yeah. [ male announcer ] chevy. mpg ingenuity. now get this great sign & drive lease on a 2013 chevy cruze ls for around $199 a month.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke.
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okay. so get ready. i'm ready. are you? get ready for this ride. for the next 20 minutes we're going to hit the hot topics that will dominate the dinner conversation tonight. we promise. first up, michael moore, filmmaker and activist. he's pushing for someone to release the photos of the massacre in newtown, connecticut, in december. he writes in his blog, follow closely. when the american people see what bullets from an assault rifle fired at close range do to
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little child's body, that's the day the jig will be up for the nra. it will be the day the debate on gun control will come to an end. there will be nothing left to argue over. it will just be over. and every sane american will demand action. we'll talk about this. this is a heavy subject to talk about. we'll talk about moore's move. david begnaud, and jennifer huff, just jenny on sirius radio. also with us, emar roverkin and donna brazile. welcome to all of you. it is a heavy subject. but i do have to tell viewers in the break, we're all booing each other, saying how we're all each other's boo, all fans here. >> an affectionate term. >> an affectionate term. right. southern term. >> absolutely.
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>> so, donna, it is a heavy subject. we have been talking about this. we have been on air debating it, talking about it beyond aurora, beyond newtown. this is really, you know, throwing some fuel into the fire, isn't it? >> absolutely. look, i like michael moore. he is a wonderful voice for progressive change in this country. he's a visionary. but on this one here, we don't have to see the evident and see the bodies to know just how harmful those semi-automatic rifles are. it is a bad idea. i have to say that i side with the families of those victims. many of whom have expressed outrage over the thought of their little ones being exposed to the public -- >> you're saying they shouldn't be released. >> agreed. should not be released. >> david? >> no. look, you and i were both in newtown, connecticut, covering this when it happened. hearts were broken. i saw it on the faces of the family members. the parents who had to wait outside for the authorities to come and say, if your child is
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not here, they're one of the ones who are dead inside. we don't need the pictures. i think michael moore, you know, he may do some good work, but i think this is absolutely ridiculous. this does not help the gun control debate. we get what guns can do. we don't need to see pictures of kids blown away. >> people say, why not show the evidence? why not show it so people will know exactly what happened. >> right, well, here's why. because -- >> it is too much. >> go ahead. >> i just think it is too much. i think, you know, you want to show what this violence does. but i think to show little kid, i mean, it just too much and gruesome and you have to realize, young kids see all these images on the internet, on their ipads, all these things, it is very devastating for young people to see these types of images. >> jennifer -- >> i don't think we should be showing these pictures. i understand a call to action for better gun control, better advocates for mental health, better treatments, however, showing these pictures is going
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to cause emotional damage. i'm not sure it is going to cause a better circumstance all around. i think it will hurt kids. it will hurt the parents. it will hurt everybody. >> i want to read more from his blog. he says, because if we're to seriously look at 20 slaughtered children, i mean really look at them, with their bodies blown apart, many of them so unrecognizable the only way their parents could identify them was by the clothes they were wearing, what they -- what would be our excuse not to act now? right now. this very instant? how on earth could anyone not bring into action the very next moment after seeing a bull riddled body of little boys and girls. he makes a point, donna? >> i don't -- look, the american people, by and large, support universal background checks. by and large, they would like to make sure that people who need mental health services are able to receive the services. and by and large, they believe that it is time that we have a
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corporate gun safety protection in place throughout the country. i don't think releasing the photos would do any good at this hour. but i do believe that we have to continue this debate, and this conversation. the united states senate is moving very quickly on getting some laws in place. >> you see what happened with dianne feinstein and ted cruz yesterday. there is a debate going on, even after newtown, jennifer. >> yes. it is horrible that there is a debate. we need better gun control. no question about it. but going back to michael moore, suppose these pictures -- to publish these pictures is almost pornographic, it is horrific, it is a vile atrocity that happened that i hope none of us should ever forget and let it never happen again. it is horrific. >> the panel is unanimous. thank you very much. let's move on now. lots of talk on whether women can have it all, a work, life and time for family. all right. but a new study says men may not be able to have it all either.
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hmm. what do you think? my panel weighs in next. oh, hi thehey!ill. are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right?
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man, i wish we had a commercial cam. if you knew the things we said during commercial. having it all, a great career and family, the ultimate american pursuit, right? and the assumption goes that men have it all while women struggle. but a new study from pew research center says men are as stressed as women reaching the right balance. 56% of working moms and 50% of working dads say they find it very or somewhat difficult to balance work life responsibilities. my panel is back. david is here, jennifer is here, donna brazile is here, emar is here. i think men can have it all. >> please. if you want it, you can get it. if you don't have the experience, how do you really understand how to use it. look, the bottom line is -- the
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bottom line is is that -- >> what are you talking about? >> you said you want it all? oh, no, you can't have it all unless you understand what it means. women -- i think it is important to understand that this is a great groundbreaking study. for the first time we see men are willing to do a lot more inside the home. they want to be part of their children's lives. they want to be part of the family, and, yes, they also want to volunteer and do some housework. so when you say want it all, come on, baby, i got a broom, let's mop it up. >> speechless right now. >> we're seeing the new fatherhood. men are more involved. they take paternity breaks now. you see them leaving work early to pick the kids up from school, to take them to soccer practice. i'm on conference calls with men who, you can hear the baby in the back and they're, like, pushing the stroller while on the call. we are seeing men more involved.
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and i think in that they're finding out what women have always known, that it is a lot of work. >> yeah, well, what i think was so right on with donna was saying was so groundbreaking about the study is that men are caring about having it all. that they want to be with their children. they want to spend more time with their families. and that's terrific. because we, as women, we felt guilty forever. we can never do enough. we can never find balance. now the men are feeling what we have been struggling with all along, terrific. >> yeah. listen, i was being facetious. hang on. men can't have it all. i actually could think men can have it all. they thought they could. because there is a double standard. if a woman stays at work until 10:00, 11:00 at night, people say, oh, my gosh, what a bad mother, you know, the kids never -- if a dad does it -- >> watch it, don. >> i'm saying, the perception, if a dad does it, he's a good provider, he has do that, he's trying to take care of his family and send the kids to
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school. let's talk about the double standard. pew found that 16% of those surveyed thought an ideal situation for a young child is to have a mom working part time. david? >> look, here's the deal. i grew up with a mr. mom. my dad was the mom at home. my mom was the rock star ceo who made the money and worked the long hours. i think there are a lot of men watching around the country who say i've been cooking breakfast and running to soccer practice and school all day, this study is a little late to the reality. i think men have been doing it for years. the study is just happening to come out. just like we're figuring out gay parents with raise a healthy child in a healthy household. dads are doing it too and doing a good job. >> yeah, and -- >> don't you think, jennifer, answer the question, don't you think it has something to do with people waiting a little bit longer to get married because when you're younger, you think, i'm going to -- life is like a commercial, you think i'm going
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to have the kids and like easter sunday, dress the kid up and have the perfect house, whatever. when you're older, you're like, this is hard. >> maybe i do think that there are some times there is a bait and switch with our expectations about having kids and the resulting life after having kids. i actually got married at 27, had my first child at 28. went to work when my kids are 5 and 7. and i have found i'm a much better mother while i've been working than i was prior to working. so i think my kids benefit from my being out of the house some of the time. >> in this generation -- >> hang on, donna. >> back in 1965, on average, women worked eight hours outside the home. today, women are working a lot longer hours outside of the home. so i think that this work balance issue is something that impacts both genders, and it is time that we figure out a healthy balance so that we can raise our kids and our -- and
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also bring them up in such a way they understand there is no longer -- women's work is working at home. >> don't be mad at me. i got to run. isn't it nice to be able to live in a time where there is a luxury to be able to say, i don't want to work, do this, because when i grew up, both my parents had to work, right? >> amen. >> there was no -- >> thank you, guys. thank you, appreciate it. have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> you're not done. i'm sorry. sorry. we got to talk about something else. don't go anywhere. my bad, as they say. i'm trying to get rid of you guys. the catholic church welcomes a new leader. more and more americans say they have no religious affiliation at all. i wonder if that means donna brazile or david, we'll see. more with my panel right after this. [ man ] i got this citi thankyou card and started
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the new pope tries to win over the faithful and a new study finds america is losing its religion. the younger you are the more likely you're not following a faith. this all comes from the latest general social survey that researchers from berkeley just analyzed. the survey found in 2012 one of five people did not have a religious preference and the odds are 20% figure we'll grow next time around. that's been the trend. 18% of americans surveyed had no religion, no religious affiliation in 2010. 14% in 2000.
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8% in 1990. so back now with the crew, donna, you know, every sunday used to be in there getting your spirit on and clapping and shouting. why aren't people doing that as much anymore? >> i think because they haven't lost faith in a higher power or god or some other deity or whatever. they've lost faith in the institutions. >> yes. >> what is the catholic church, episcopal, or whatever, the hindu, buddhism, synagogue, mosque, temple. they've lost faith. these institutions are often polarizing. they're not life affirming. it is very difficult to sit in a church and be preached a lecture that somehow or another something is wrong with you because you're gay or something is wrong with you because you're using birth control. i have to tell you i walked out when they talked about birth control. i said, well i'm at the age now where i really don't need this lecture right now.
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the truth of the matter is we do have faith but maybe not in the churches or the temples or the synagogues but we have faith perhaps in each other, we trust someone else. we still get our spiritual nutrition from other sources. >> i remember i just moved to new york from louisiana, going to church all my life, and i took my first boyfriend to church. he was like i don't want to go to church. we got into church and the first thing the guy talked about was gay people are sinners and going to hell. >> you know what the worst part of it is, if a priest were here right now and you said you brought a boyfriend to church there would be a discussion from the priest just hearing you say on television you brought a boyfriend to church. >> right. >> i think as a gay man going to church you don't listen to the man at the altar. buck very disgruntled and frustrated with the headlines. the constant headlines. church pays out for this abuse case. church apologizes for this abuse
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case. when you take the man out of the equation, i think it's a whole lot easier to love and believe in the church. but people are rightfully disenfranchised. i get it as donna said. when i go to church on sunday i still see a lot of people there. what is interesting about that study is just because there are less people claiming religious affiliation doesn't mean they're atheists. they still believe. >> right. >> go ahead, emil. >> i think a lot of people are still going to church and ministries are changing, doing things for hiv support, single mothers, you really sing -- i go to first church in harlem and it is packed. i can barely get a seat. everyone is there. there are gay couples, young people, people wearing jeans. things are really changing. >> here is the thing, don. i believe in being spiritual. i'm jewish and identified as jewish but i believe in being spiritual. which for me means doing things in the right spirit. being kind to others, doing the right thing, for the reason that it feels good to be a good
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person. >> okay. >> and donna was right. religion and organized religion has been polarizing and has caused too much strife. >> that's it. >> kids are aware of it. >> you guys are causing my producer strife. we're going to the situation room. have a great weekend. thank you. we appreciate it. >> god bless you all. i remember the day my doctor said i had diabetes.
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